Bampton-Thames-Clanfield-Alvescot-Black Bourton
You can download a pdf version of this walk.
This route is covered by Two OS 1:25,000 map:
- 180: Oxford and
-OL45: The Cotswolds
Length: 19.6 km (12.2 miles).
Duration: 5 to 6 hours.
Parking is available in Bampton

If there is one thing to be said about this walk it is that it is flat, very flat.
I did not set my walking app to record my walk, but I’d be surprised if I climbed more than a couple of metres over the entire 19.6km walk. If it was more just a few metres, then the climb was so gradual as not to be noticeable.
That said, there are still a few good, long views across the countryside, but these only serve to emphasis the flatness of the landscape.
It is nevertheless a very agreeable walk with a good stretch along the River Thames, which offers some very pleasant places to stop for a sandwich and a cuppa. Having liquid supplies is important on this walk (as it is on all walks) as the watering holes on this one are few and far between, especially as I have designed it. There are opportunities, by taking short diversions, to improve the situation, such as in Clanfield.
This may seem to be a very easy walk, and in general terms it is, but I still managed to nearly dislocate my knee by stepping into a hollow in the path.
This is one of the walks that re-iterated the importance of having a good quality map with you, as the route I originally planned came to a dead end with a new house plopped right across the route.
The route is generally self-explanatory – with the help of a map, but there is one particular complication;
Getting around Clanfield:
Approaching Clanfield from the south, I got a little confused. On consulting my trusty map and following the direction shown by the strangely short footpath sign, I ended up walking right through the middle of private properties. This is not unusual in itself, but I did feel, on this occasion, that I was intruding. On later consulting Google maps, I discovered that there is an alternative path, not marked on the OS map (or at least the version I had). I had seen the other entrance, but thought it might take me off my own route. As it turns out taking the gated path to the right is the right thing to do. So, the lesson is, even if you have a map, you still need to use some common sense!
I would welcome hearing your thoughts and comments on this walk. Also, if you have any photos you would like to share please feel free to post them on my Facebook page.

There are several pubs and cafes in Bampton.

You can download a pdf version of this walk.