Finstock, North Leigh and Stonesfield
You can download a pdf version of this walk.
This route is covered by one OS 1:25,000 map: 180: Oxford
Length: 14 km (9 miles).
Duration: 4 to 5 hours.
Nearest station: Finstock, which is on the Oxford to Worcester line.
Parking is available in Finstock and Stonesfield

Holly Court Farm
This walks tends to keep to the lower areas of the Cotswolds, for example rivers and to more intimate landscapes with a few wider views. It is a walk for reflection, rather than inspirational views.
On the whole this is a well marked out and easy route to walk, but it is advisable to take a copy of an OS map with you as there are some sections that are not that clear. In particular:
Holly Court Farm:
There is a cross roads of Public Rights of Way at Holly Court Farm and a deficiency of way markers. You are likely to have to halt at this point and consult your map to make sure you follow the route described here.
You may, of course, be a free spirit and follow your own route, for example to East End to visit the North Leigh Roman Villa (although the villa is included in my Combe, Blenheim, Stonesfield and East End walk).
I believe the rest of the walk is pretty self explanatory.
I would welcome hearing your thoughts and comments on this walk. Also, if you have any photos you would like to share please feel free to post them on my Facebook page.