Short Stories
I have written a number of short stories across a range of genres and have also co-edited three anthologies of short stories from authors from my West Oxfordshire village and the surrounding villages. My short stories are available for free on two web sites, namely;


In 2017, 2018 and 2019 three friends and I edited anthologies of short stories with contributions
from authors from three west Oxfordshire villages.
The result is three collections of amazing short stories.
From thrillers and chillers to mythology and folk tales, from westerns and sci-fi to detective stories and even a dash of romance, the variety in these anthologies will not only entertain you but will also highlight the trials, struggles and dilemmas faced by ordinary people.
The anthologies are available from Amazon and all the authors' profits go to charity.
For more details follow this LINK
What is a short story?
Originating from oral storytelling traditions in the 17th century, the short story has grown to encompass a body of work of great diversity. They have no formal length (in terms of word count); the story’s length being defined by the requirements for telling the story, itself. There is no official demarcation between an anecdote, a short story, a novella and a novel. However, a classic definition is that a short story can be read in one sitting, of course, the length of ‘one sitting’ is, itself, a variable feast.
Some definitions place the maximum word count for a short story at anywhere between 1,000 and 4,000 words. In contemporary usage, the term often refers to a work of fiction no shorter than 1,000 and no longer than 20,000 words, with stories of less than 1,000 words sometimes referred to as ‘flash fiction’.
Famous authors who wrote short stories have included Rudyard Kipling, Anton Chekhov, Guy de Maupassant, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera and Rubén Darío.