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Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup

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Title: Twelve Years a Slave

Author: Solomon Northup

ISBN: 978-0007580422

Genre: Autobiography

Print Length: 304 pages

Plot synopsis: This is a powerful, but harrowing memoir that recounts the life of Solomon Northup. Born a free man in New York, Northrup was lured to Washington in 1841 with the promise of fast money, only to be drugged and sold into slavery. He spent the next twelve years of his life in captivity in Louisiana on cotton plantations.

A highly disturbing and important book, which warns us of the innate wickedness of man. Beautifully written in old style English - it should be on everyone's reading list.

What Others thought

At the time of writing there were 4,004 reviews on, 3,672 (92%) of which were 3* or above, and giving an average rating of 4.3*. On, there were 6,710 reviews, with 96% being 3* or above, giving an average rating of 4.5*. On there were 62,711 ratings (including 4,799 reviews), 96% were of 3* or more, giving an average rating of 4.2*.

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