Balanced on the Blade's Edge by Lindsay Buroker

Title: Balanced on the Blade's Edge Author: Lindsay Buroker Twitter: Lindsay Buroker Webpage: Lindsay Buroker ASIN: B00JBVUJM8 Genre: Fantasy Length: 230 pages
Synopsis: Colonel Ridge Zirkander isn’t the model of military professionalism, but as the best fighter pilot in the Iskandian army, he’s used to a little leniency from his superiors, until, that is, he punches a diplomat on the nose. He then finds himself taking command of a remote prison mine in the inhospitable Ice Blades Mountains. Ridge has never been in command of anything larger than a flier squadron - what’s he supposed to do with a frozen fortress full of murderers and rapists. not to mention the strange woman who shows up just as he arrives?
This is a wonderfully engaging story. It claims to be 230 pages in length (I bought the Kindle version), but it reads with the speed of a novella. I loved the two main protagonists, who were very well drawn. The other characters were very much support actors, but nevertheless they were brought vividly to life. The dialogue between the characters was delightful and added greatly to the development of the characters and the plot. Even though Buroker does not spend ages describing the settings I got a real sense of the setting in which the story was located. The plot is simple, but kept me fully engaged. This was helped by the relationship that developed between the two main characters – which was an important part of the story. All-in-all this was a thoroughly enjoyable read and FREE to boot. I have already started on the second book in the series.
What others thought at the time of writing; 89 reviews, of which 96% were 3* or more, giving an average of 4.6*; 450 reviews, of which 96% were 3* or more, giving an average of 4.5*; 4,054 ratings (372 reviews), with 94% of 3* or more, giving an average of 3.9*
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